Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Music of Yoga

I remember very vividly the first time I was introduced to the Sarvangasana because that was when I found out that yoga can be quite a musical experience. OK, that was an exaggerated statement on my part but for those of us who have practised yoga before, (whether or not we would like to admit it) have discovered that flatulence is a common occurrence during our weekly date with the mat.

There was this incident when the yoga instructor conducted a class focusing on twists. Here I was, concentrating and breathing slowly to deepen my Ardha Matsyendrasana, when I heard a faint staccato of rapid expulsions as if someone was performing the Kapalabathi. As we progressed through our series of twists, the somewhat rhythmless expulsions became more regular. Eventually, I came to realize that the woman a couple of mats away was releasing an orchestra of woodwind performance everytime we exhaled into a deep twist. 

Yoga farts or varts (only applicable to women) are usually experienced when one does an inversion or a twist. There is nothing explicitly wrong with farting while striking a pose. In fact, the yogic movements of twisting and inverting, churn and massage our internal organs, which encourage the release of built up gas within our intestines. This internal relaxation results in the phenomenon of uncontrollable farting.

Some Fart-Inducing Poses:

What To Do?
1) Stay away from beans, legumes or any gaseous foods before class.
2) Warm up by performing fart-inducing poses at home prior to the class.
3) Try this Fart Suppressing Technique if all else doesn't work! 
4) You could also find these useful - Kegel Exercises and engaging your Mula Bandha (Specifically to address varts). 

Farting is nothing to be embarrassed or apologetic about as we are afterall dealing with a  perfectly natural process. Like life, the experience of yoga should not be taken too seriously. Smile and appreciate the miraculous workings of our body. Well, at least it serves as a comical accompaniment to the latest Shiva Rea compilation playing in the background.

In the mean time, to aid you in your practice, have a Fart Fest watching this :-)

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